
Helper v1.0.10 – OpenAI Chatbot for WordPress

The Helper plugin is an easy-to-use and fast Chatbot tool that supports both regular and AI Bot types. This plugin is empowered by OpenAI GPT-3 (ChatGPT) technology, which makes integration to your website effortless and requires no special technical skills. The Chatbot efficiently handles queries that are related to your website’s content and products, offering personalized responses, and resolving common issues that often require human intervention. By providing a seamless and responsive user experience, the Helper Chatbot enhances customer satisfaction.


One of the remarkable features of the Helper Chatbot is its diverse range of user interaction options, including the provision of answers to frequently asked questions, which can be pre-prepared and managed in the plugin settings. Additionally, it offers data collection forms for analytics and insights, an email submission form, and the capability to combine the use of these features. You can use all available features, including the AI Chatbot, or only those relevant to your requirements.

The AI-powered Chatbot analyzes user inputs to generate personalized, contextually relevant responses. The bot’s answers are derived from the website’s posts, pages, WooCommerce products, or even a PDF file. With customizable objectives, you can define how the Chatbot should answer based on specific needs, thus adapting its behavior and focus according to your unique requirements.

The Helper Chatbot combines various features such as the FAQ block, data collection form, email sending form, and AI Bot. All of these can be managed independently or together, according to your preferences.

With a speech recognition feature, the Helper Chatbot allows users to input information by speaking instead of typing manually. This enhances the user experience, particularly for those with limited typing skills or mobility impairments, by enabling them to respond promptly and easily. The Chatbot also includes a Text to Speech function, which allows the bot to convert messages to speech, speaking to the user. This function is based on the WebSpeech API and includes over 40 languages and 160 voices.

Overall, the Helper Chatbot offers a dynamic, intuitive, and versatile tool for website owners, allowing them to provide exceptional user experiences and efficient customer support.

Helper V1.0.10 OpenAI chatbot free download

helper OpenAI chatbot for wordpress free download latest version V1.010.

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